Congratulations on Victory Day!

Dear veterans, friends, brothers and sisters!

Please accept heartfelt congratulations on the Day of Victory over Fascism.

This victory was won at the cost of dear lives of millions of soldiers and civilians killed during the battles. Terrible consequences of war affected almost every family, every home. But because of the faith and hope people were able to go through the ordeals, sincere prayers of mothers supported and preserved the lives of many soldiers.

Thank God for the peace He has given our country today, and the hope for a better future for Ukraine. We pray and believe that the horrors of war will never happen again in our land!

I wish every veteran of war good health and longevity.

Happiness, kindness, joy and prosperity to you and your families!

May God bless you!

Sincerely yours,

Senior Bishop of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church

Leonid Padun