Різдвяне вітання українському народу від глав та уповноважених представників християнських Церков України24 December 2024 "Не лякайтесь, бо я ось благовіщу вам радість велику, що станеться людям усім. Бо сьогодні в Давидовім місті народився для вас Спаситель, Який є Христос Господь" more |
Заява ВРЦіРО щодо чергової терористичної атаки Росії проти України29 December 2023 Всеукраїнська Рада Церков і релігійних організацій, яка представляє різні християнські Церкви, іудейську та мусульманську спільноти України, категорично ЗАСУДЖУЄ терористичні атаки Російської Федерації, які вчергове були здійснені 29 грудня 2023 року на українські міста, цивільну інфраструктуру та мирних жителів. more |
Різдвяне вітання українському народу від християнських церков України24 December 2023 До Бога молимося про Його благодать та перемогу для нашої країни, про надприродний захист для наших воїнів, про втіху для всіх страждаючих та скорботних, про відновлення та процвітання України як духовної та хлібної житниці, як простору гідності та свободи! more |
ЗАКЛИК ВРЦІРО ДО ЗАГАЛЬНОНАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ПОСТУ І МОЛИТВИ 24 ЛЮТОГО 2023 РОКУ21 February 2023 Закликаємо усі конфесії України оголосити та провести у своїх релігійних спільнотах загальнонаціональний піст і молитву 24 лютого з цілодобовими молитовними чуваннями, постом та активним творенням діл милосердя. У річницю повномасштабного вторгнення повинна звучати надпотужна молитва, аби зламати зло, яке повстало проти України. На ревну молитву віруючих всемогутній і люблячий Бог завжди відповість. more |
З Днем державного прапора та Днем незалежності України!23 August 2022 Всіх українців вітаю з Днем державного прапора та Днем Незалежності! Український прапор не випадково має кольори неба та пшеничного поля. Бог сказав, що Україна – це хлібна та духовна житниця світу. Це покликання нашої країни, це її доля, і ніхто more |
Заява ВРЦіРО про геноцид Українського народу, вчинений російськими військами на Київщині6 April 2022 Вся Україна та весь світ жахнувся від чисельних фактів тих знущань і нелюдської жорстокості, які російські солдати вчиняли по відношенню до невинних мирних людей у захоплених містах Київської області. more |
Killing invaders: a sin or a righteous deed in a war?20 March 2022 How does the Bible relate to the killing of those who came to a foreign land as an occupier and invader, a murderer of civilians? What about love for enemies and forgiveness? more |
Звернення ВРЦіРО на захист сім'ї від домашнього насильства22 December 2021 Сім’я як союз плідної і вірної любові між чоловіком і жінкою є найкращим осередком для народження і виховання дітей. Сім’я, дитинство, материнство і батьківство визнаються найбільшими цінностями нашого суспільства та охороняються державою. more |
Merry Christmas and Happy New 2018 Year!26 December 2017 Jesus Christ was born into this world for our joy and our salvation. And He was not only born, but he did everything that he was called to - He died on the cross and rose on the third day for our justification. Everything is done so that each of us will live in peace and joy, which the Angels announced for Christmas! more |
Evangelization tour around Ukraine (PHOTO)9 October 2017 From September 24 to October 8, an evangelistic tour with the participation of the international evangelist Mark Swiger (USA) and the senior bishop of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church Leonid Padun took place. The ministers visited Lviv, Lubny, M more |
In Kiev held a prayer conference "Evidence of things not seen" (photo, audio)11 November 2016 At November 8-10 in Kyiv in the Ukrainian House on Khreshchatyk held a prayer conference of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church. The main theme of the prayer meetings was a message about evidence of things not seen. How we see the future of our more |
Christ is risen!30 April 2016 Dear friends! I congratulate you on the Easter - the resurrection of Jesus Christ! In this great celebration life of victory over death, good over evil wish Easter celebrations you and your family, your church! Let the power of Christ's resurrection fill your heart and inspires the life of victory! more |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!30 December 2015 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We are grateful to God in our hearts for His help and mercy in the outgoing 2015, and with the hope of God meet the new 2016. more |
Appeal to the pastors and ministers of churches "Word of Life International"5 October 2015 Дорогие братья пасторы и служители! Приветствую вас во Имя Господа Иисуса Христа! За последнее время в жизни каждого из нас произошло немало событий. Божьи добрые планы об Украине, то слово, которое Он дал нам — одна из основных причин, по которой more |
Representatives of the DNR (Donetsk National Republic) took the building of the "Word of Life" church in Donetsk14 August 2014 Dear friends, dear brothers and sisters! Ask for your prayer support due to the fact that on August 13, at 22.00 pm, representatives of the DNR (Donetsk National Republic) took the building of our church. more |
Sincere Condolences on the airplane crash in Donetsk region22 July 2014 News about the terrible tragedy which happened in Donetsk region, brought deep pain and sorrows. Airplane crash took lives of hundreds of innocent people, and its reason is a huge calamity which became a tragedy and shame for our country. more |
Pastor Donnie McClurkin held service in Donetsk (video, photo)17 February 2014 On February 16th in the Donetsk church "Word of life" (UCEC) took place a unique service with participation of the world famous musician from America, a gospel performer Donnie McClurkin. more |
City-wide Prayer for Peace in Ukraine (photo)4 February 2014 On Sunday, February 2nd , it the church building "Word of Life" (UCEC) was held a city-wide prayer service for peace in Ukraine with the participation of pastors of different Donetsk churches. Believers called upon God for blessing and prosperity of the country, for the resolution of conflicts by peaceful means and for protection of the Ukrainian people from all evil. more |
International Christian Jazz Choir Concert (video, photo)3 February 2014 The Concert of the International Christian jazz choir under the direction of Paul Shaban became a great gift for the parishioners of various Donetsk churches and other guests. The concert was held in the large hall of the church "Word of Life" (UCEC) in Donetsk. The program included original songs and classic Christian compositions in modern processing. more |
Guests from Sweden visited Donetsk Church "Word of Life" (video, photos)3 February 2014 Three wonderful and productive days passed in Donetsk church "Word of life" (UCEC) together with guests from Sweden, who founded and run the largest Christian portal in Scandinavia. They shot a series of interviews on important topics and issues in the modern Christian community and preached in the church. more |
Seminar on "Social Capital" in Donetsk (photo)2 February 2014 Social networks have long been an integral part of the life of any modern person. About how you can effectively use these new communication tools for preaching the Gospel, as well as in other areas, Vyacheslav Sapozhnikov shared with all participants of the seminar. more |
Christmas Conference in Donetsk (video, audio, photo)20 January 2014 Year of Word of God in the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church began with a wonderful Christmas conference in Donetsk, where pastors Leonid Padun, Victor Sudakov and Alexander Bespalov preached. Speakers shared important word with the church, encouraging believers to continue trusting God and following Him. more |
Leonid Padun, "Run to the Lord in times of sorrow" (video, audio)18 November 2013 In difficult times, people behave differently: they seek for help from relatives, friends, acquaintances, seeking solace in earthly things, and only in extreme cases they turn to God. But the Lord does not want to be at the end of your list! Run to Him in times of sorrow, and you will be saved! more |
Alexander Velichko: "Christianity - is a supernatural life!" (video, audio, photo)12 November 2013 On November 10th the church "Word of life" (UCEC) in Donetsk visited a wonderful pastor, a missionary from Belarus Alexander Velichko, who shared the important word about the true nature of the church and of the whole Christianity – supernatural life in Jesus! more |
Opening of the training course for ministers (photo)9 November 2013 On Friday, November 8th the opening of the fourth educational direction of Bible Institute took place, "The training of ministers". Wonderful atmosphere of God's presence, dedication and openness were accompanying the first evening classes. more |
"Heavenly message" for children and their parents (photo)3 November 2013 On November 2nd a wonderful holiday of the Bible "Heavenly message" for children and their parents took place in church. Children together with their parents and friends learned the Scriptures in a playful way, learned about the important letter which God wrote to each person on Earth, glorified and thanked God together. more |
L.N.Padun: "Faithfulness" (video)11 October 2013 Faithfulness to God, family, church, ministry, the call. Sometimes we get used to such concepts and do not always appreciate them. But faithfulness – it is an important quality of which many things depend on in our lives, and faithfulness is rewarded by God. more |
The 1st year of Bible Institute started in Donetsk (photo)9 October 2013 On October 8th took place the opening of the first year of the Bible Institute "Word of Life" in Donetsk, evening department. During this year, students will study more than 25 different subjects intended on strengthening of the Christian faith basics and successful life in Christ. more |
L.N.Padun: "The Divine Reality" (video)8 October 2013 Every day we face with certain circumstances, life's problems – it is an earthly reality. We are realists, and do not deny everything that is happening around us, but the Bible offers us an alternative that could change all our life! more |
"Bertine’s House" celebrated its 5th anniversary7 October 2013 On September 21st at the Rehabilitation Center "Bertine’s House" took place the celebration of the 5th anniversary from the opening day of the center. To congratulate employees of the center and all those who had already passed the rehabilitation or who was still recovering, came guests from various churches of Donetsk. more |
L.N.Padun: "Happy Church" (video)1 October 2013 Many Christians today are mournful and not satisfied with their lives for one reason only - they are not busy with things God is busy with: building up the Church, care for the poor and spreading the Gospel. Combining our own interests with God’s and being in our calling, we'll be happy! more |
The opening of the 1st year of the program "Theological Education" took place in Donetsk (photo)27 September 2013 On September 27th in the Bible Institute"Word of Life" Donetsk took place the openning of the 1st year of "Theological education" at the International University "Vision". For four years, students will take courses in-depth theological program of international standard. more |
Maxim Maximov: "The lamp, which is not consumed" (video, photo)23 September 2013 On September 22nd , as a part of the regular tour along Ukraine, in Donetsk church "Word of life" (UCHEC) at three meetings preached Bishop of the sister churches "New Life" in Kazakhstan, the senior pastor of the church "New Life" in Almaty, the founder of the first Christian TV channel in Russian and Ukrainian languages CNL - Maxim Maximov. more |
WELCOME TO THE CONFERENCE!3 September 2013 Dear friends! We sincerely invite you to the annual Christian conference in Donetsk "One word from God can change your whole life! " We believe that God has prepared a rich table of His blessings, and something wonderful will happen these days! more |
Christian rest camp "Generation for Christ"1 September 2013 From 17th to 28th August in a picturesque nook of Svyatogorye on the basis of the Children’s Rest Camp "Chocolate" was held Christian camp for children and adolescents "Generation for Christ." During this time, young people had time to get acquainted with new friends, discover their talents and abilities, to receive unforgettable impressions, and just have a great rest in spirit, soul and body. more |
Serving in the Messianic Jewish community "Light of the Messiah", Odessa (photo)6 July 2013 On Saturday, July 6, the senior pastor of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church Leonid Padun served in the Messianic Jewish community, "Light of Messiah" in Odessa (Senior Rabbi - Valentine Sviontek). more |
Evangelistic service in the CLC (corrective labour camp)-126, Kerch (photos)4 July 2013 On July, 5 ministers of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church visited the colony of 126 in Kerch with evangelistic concert. In the hall there were prisoners, prison authorities and the representative of the head of the Ukrainian State Department of Corrections. more |
Charity event: "CHOICE" (photo)3 July 2013 June, 30 on Youth Day at 19:00 in the Petrovsky Park (White Church) took the Christian campaign called "CHOICE", organized by the Evangelical Christian Church "Source of Life" on the basis of Charitable Fund of Social Rehabilitation "Way Out" more |
Seminar of the World rehabilitation service "Teen Challenge" (photo)2 July 2013 In late June, the ministers of Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church at the invitation of the mission "Teen Challenge" took part in the seminar for ministers, working in the prisons and rehabilitation centers. more |
Celebration of the Israel Independence Day with the Ambassador of Israel to Ukraine (photo)14 May 2013 On May 12th celebration of Israel Independence Day took place in Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church of Donetsk, dedicated to 65th anniversary of the modern state of Israel, to Jerusalem Day, to Shabuoth. more |
Vacation of the church in the open (photo)13 May 2013 May Weekends pleased us with warm sunny weather. On May 4th church youth together with Pastor Leonid and Julia Padun spent a wonderful day in the Botanical garden, and next Saturday, May 11th , families went on vacation in the open. more |
Congratulations on Victory Day!9 May 2013 This victory was won at the cost of dear lives of millions of soldiers and civilians killed during the battles. Terrible consequences of war affected almost every family, every home. We pray and believe that the horrors of war will never happen again in our land! I wish every veteran of war good health and longevity. more |
Church in Donetsk celebrated Easter and birthday (photo)5 May 2013 On May 5th Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church in Donetsk celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and celebrated its 23rd birthday. In the performance of the worship group the songs of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ were performed, and then Pastor Leonid Padun shared word. more |
Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!3 May 2013 Dear friends! I sincerely congratulate you on the Resurrection of Christ - Easter! On this great feast of the triumph of life over death, of good over evil I wish you and your loved ones new hope and victory in God! May the light of the Resurrection of Christ light up your heart, fill your home with love of God, with joy, peace and harmony! more |
Senior Bishop UCECH Leonid Padun attended the reception of the Ambassador of Israel to Ukraine19 April 2013 April 18, 2013 the senior bishop of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church Leonid Padun attended the reception of the Ambassador of Israel to Ukraine Mr. Reuven Dinel on the occasion of 65 years anniversary of Israel's independence. The festive event was held in the building of the Kiev mayor's office. more |
Don't Stop 2013 conference took place! (video and photos)8 April 2013 Every year youth conference "Don't Stop" was held in Donetsk, 5th-7th of April. This year young people of the church made all preparations on their own: decorated the hall, started and ended the sermons, called for repentance, prayed against needs, made advertisement, ministered in media department and sang in glorification group. more |
Together for 20 years! (video, photo)18 March 2013 On the 17th of March tree wonderful festive sermons took place at the church in Donetsk. There was a warm family-like atmosphere all along the sermons. Congregation of the church congratulated Leonid and Yuliya Padun with their 20-years-marriage-anniversary. The concert programme included songs of glorification group singers, the spouses shared their first-time-meeting-story, showed some slide pictures from their family album. more |
Three days of fasting and praying were finished in Donetsk (photo)15 March 2013 Three days of fasting and praying of Ukrainian Christian Evangelic Church were finished on the 15th of March in Donetsk. In unity and humility, ministers and believers of the church from different parts of Ukraine were seeking God and His will for the church and Ukraine. People also prayed about the Revival, salvation of other people and about future generation. more |
Welcome to great days of fasting and praying!11 March 2013 Dear pastors, ministers, brothers and sisters, friends! Let me invite You to visit fast and pray event, that is to take place since 13th till 15th of March in Donetsk. We are now standing very close to the great changes, that God told us about many times, and about what we were praying for a long time. God prepared something special for the Church and for Ukraine on the whole! But pretty much depends on wether we are ready to see that and to take or not. more |
Armen Kagramanian: "Your life worth" (photo)10 March 2013 On the 9th and 10th of March Armen Kagramanian, pastor of "New generation" church (Minsk), carried out two ministries in Donetsk. Ministry for men took place on Saturday morning, where pastor Armen shared a very important word concerning the reasons why men become dependent on pornographic production. On Sunday Armen Kagramanian preached to the young people about their calling, acknowledgement and faithfulness. more |
Mark Swiger: "Jesus Christ saves, heals, gives hope!" (video, photo)10 March 2013 On the 10th of March evangelist Mark Swiger held two ministries of healing in the church of Donetsk. In the morning and in the evening there were no empty seats in the hall. Mark Sweiger shared the word of God about the Cross. There were many witnesses of God's power and lots of people received salvation, release from sins and were healed from diseases! more |
We congratulate You with Women's Day 8th of March! (photo)9 March 2013 A wonderful evening for the women took place on March 9th, in the church. Just for one evening a big hall was turned into a real cafe full of visitors. Entertaining competitions, nice songs and dances, communication over a cup of tea - an unforgettable evening, indeed! Second part of the evening was devoted to asking questions and giving the answers. more |
Marc Swiger conducted teaching school for pastors and leaders in Donetsk (photo)8 March 2013 On the 5th and 7th of March, teaching School for pastors and leaders took place at the Bible center of UCEC (Donetsk). Evangelist Marc Swiger from the USA shared his experience in practical principles of teaching and successful ministry to people on the basis of the Scripture. more |
Rewarding of Winter Cup prize winners of Christian Football League of Donetsk6 March 2013 On the 2nd of March in the Bible Centre (UCEC) of Donetsk city there was a rewarding of Winter Cup prize winners of Christian Football League of Donetsk. Best teams and best players were rewarded with memorable trophies, medals and diplomas. more |
Music that heals people's hearts (video, photo)25 February 2013 February, 24th evangelist Oleg Nazarchuk, pastor of "New Life" church in Odessa, was preaching in Ukrainian Christian Evangelic Church in Donetsk. Apart from being a pastor, he is also a musician. Pastor Oleg carried out three services, and all of them were annointed by God's Power through the touching music of Oleg Nazarchuk. more |
OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF SENIOR BISHOP OF UKRAINIAN CHRISTIAN EVANGELIC CHURCH TO PASTORS and MINISTERS OF UCEC6 February 2013 Dear pastors and ministers of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church (UCEC)! Considering the fact that at the present moment a number of former bishops and ministers of our Union make intensive efforts to separate the churches, desseminate lies and slander about me and ministers, whose decision is to follow God together with me, to cause psychologycal tension to those pastors and churches that continue to serve God with me and reject withdrawal from UCEC, I address you with this statement! more |
RESULT OF THE MEETING OF LEONID PADUN WITH ULF EKMAN30 January 2013 On the 29th of January 2013 a meeting of pastor Leonid Padun with pastor Ulf Ekman took place. The reason for the meeting was a "continued crisis" in the " Word of Life". During the meeting pastor Leonid saw many proofs of his estimate that pastor Ulf formed his opinion on the basis of rumours and gossips. Such opinion of pastor Ulf caused to be the reason that obvious non-confirmed lies were spread by people who decided pastor Ekman's authority higher than the authority of the Word of God. The following state of matters brought to the division among the churches. more |
January 23-25 - PRAYER and FASTING22 January 2013 Dear brothers and sisters! Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matf.16:18). Whatever would happen around and in the Church, the Church will always come out victorious. There is power in prayer and fasting. And so it is necessary and important for us, especially now to protect the unity of the church, protect peace in our hearts and minds, so that regardless of the circumstances, Christians would be moved by faith and love of God. more |
ADDRESS TO PASTORS AND BELIEVERS of Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church and the "WORD OF LIFE" church of Donetsk22 January 2013 Dear friends, brothers and sisters - peace be to you! First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your prayers and support in these hard times for our church, and also for your patience and faithfulness to God. These days I receive a great number of letters and calls from people asking to clarify the situation happened to the church "Word of Life" in Donetsk, as well as to the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church (UCEC). more |
The Christmas Conference in Donetsk (video, audio, photo)9 January 2013 The Christmas Conference which took place in Donetsk January 4 to 6 became a real gift for the local congregation. All meetings were held in the atmosphere of Christian love and unity. God touched the hearts of people, healing and comforting, filling with His peace, joy and hope. more |
Leonid Padun: "2013 - the year of power"8 January 2013 The lack of power is one of the main problems of modern society. People try hard to hide their impotence behind the barriers of power, finance, and relationships when inside they are weak and helpless. If a trouble comes, most succumb to fear and panic, give up and give in. But when we look at the life of God’s people we see a completely different picture! more |
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (video)26 December 2012 Senior Bishop of UCEC Leonid Padun greeted the ministers and church members a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, wishing God's blessings, faith and hope, which Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem, brought into this world. more |
OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF SENIOR BISHOP OF UKRAINIAN CHRISTIAN EVANGELIC CHURCH TO PASTORS, MINISTERS AND BELIVERS OF UCEC21 December 2012 "Dear friends, pastors, brothers and sisters, Peace be to you! Hereby I would like to inform you of the following: The Address to congregations of Ukrainian Christian Evangelic Church, published December 20, 2012 on the official sites of the "Word of Life" church of Odessa, "New Life" church, Simferopol, and the "Word of Life" church of Lugansk is unauthorized according to the Statute of UCEC and is problematic for the following reasons..." more |
Address to Pastors and Believers of Ukrainian Christian Evangelic Church16 December 2012 "Due to the difficult situation related to sending out of letters of Swedish ministers and believers of UCEC we encourage you to keep the peace, unity, love to God and to our neighbors, and to refrain from emotional decisions and conclusions based on rumors..." more |
Leonid Padun: "Civil stand of believer"21 November 2012 Today, few people care about people’s lives – everyone only cares about his well-being. Classical picture: worked shift, brought home “prey”, ate, watched TV and went to bed. But is this all, for which man was created? more |
Leonid Padun: "Elections. Afterword"4 November 2012 Parliamentary elections in Ukraine were completed. Someone is celebrating a victory, someone is disappointed, some already beginning to criticize the future power. And some still do not care what happens outside of his or her apartment – according to statistics, the turnout this time was lower than in all of the previous elections in the history of independent Ukraine. more |
Prayer and Fast in Donetsk (photo)28 October 2012 October, 26 was the final day of the three days of fasting and prayer of Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church. From morning to evening believers lifted up their hearts and minds in prayers to God for Ukraine and the upcoming elections, for a better life for the Ukrainian people and for His will to come true in the life of the Church. more |
Leonid Padun: "God and our desires"18 October 2012 Everyone on this earth is driven by his or her desires, such as to have a family, a house, a car, to be healthy and successful and so on. And God is not against our desires. Then why sometimes we don’t have what we want? more |
Leonid Padun: "Spiritual climate"2 October 2012 There are many countries in the world and each of them has its own climate – weather regime of many years, which is typical for a particular locality. Just as physical climate there is also a spiritual one. A certain spiritual atmosphere reigns in the life of every person and every family. more |
"He that believeth and is baptized..." (Video)17 September 2012 On Saturday, September 15 at 10 a.m. the Water Baptism Ceremony took place at one of the grounds of the "Word of Life" Bible Institute. Fulfilling the commandment of Jesus Christ, twenty-nine believers were baptized in water. The Christians demonstrated God their promise of good conscience and righteousness in Christ. more |
Three days "In the midst of God's miracle" (Photo)11 September 2012 The large Christian conference "In the midst of God's miracle", which was held at the construction site of a building of the church came to an end on September 9 in Donetsk. A lot of people from all over Ukraine and foreign countries were gathered in the open-air, and despite the weather, the atmosphere was filled with God's presence, joy and love. more |
Leonid Padun: "Transfiguration"26 August 2012 Jesus Christ, who was known and seen by disciples suddenly has completely changed! His face was shining and clothes became as white as the snow. Next to Him there were Moses and Elijah, who communicated with Him, and the whole place was filled with the glory of God... more |
Leonid Padun: "Righteousness. Freedom from condemnation"20 August 2012 Everyone has an opinion about everything, including him or her own self. People always try to figure out who they really are and where do they belong in this world. And they often either overestimate, or conversely, underestimate themselves. But how objective is such an opinion? more |
Leonid Padun: "Time to rest"1 August 2012 Almost everyone had to deal with irritability, emotional breakdowns or depression. But we should know that most of above-mentioned can be avoided if we do not forget the most important commandment of God – to rest. more |
Another stage of the "Word of Life"of Donetsk construction project is over9 July 2012 On the 9th of July 2012 the monolithic reinforced concrete frame of the central part of the “Word of life” Church building was completed. Now we are facing the next important phase – production and installation metal cover trusses which will provide the basis for the roof of the "Word of life" Church Building in Donetsk. more |
Time to learn and time to win!2 July 2012 More than 130 students of the Donetsk Word of Life Bible Institute (1st and 2nd years) celebrated the successful completion of the academic year. On Saturday, June 30 the graduates were given their diplomas and having received the blessing of the church ministers went to their towns and villages to put the knowledge into practice and bring the Good News into the world. more |
Leonid Padun: "There is a time for everything"1 July 2012 A wise man Solomon once said: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). There is something in our life that we can change without outside help: just plan and do. But also there are things that do not depend on our desires and efforts. more |
Patriarch Filaret visited Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church13 June 2012 On the 10th June a friendly meeting of Patriarch Filaret, the Head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Kyiv Patriarchate, with parishioners of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church took place at the “Word of life” Bible Institute in Donetsk. The meeting was held during the visit of Patriarch Filaret in Donetsk region to consecrate an Orthodox Church and the diocesan administration of UOC-KP. more |
ANNOUNCEMENT: Donetsk will be visited by Patriarch of Kiev and All Russia-Ukraine Filaret5 June 2012 On the 10th of June we will have the privilege of having Patriarch of Kiev and All Russia-Ukraine Filaret visiting our church. His Holiness will hold a meeting with the parishioners of Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church. The meeting will take place within the frames of his visit to Donetsk region to meet with the clergy of the UOC-KP and to take part in the Dedication Ceremony of the New Orthodox Temple. more |
The Interdenominational Campaign dedicated to Dignity and Protection of the unborn took place in Donetsk2 June 2012 On the 1st of June the Annual Interdenominational March for Life took place in Donetsk. It is held to promote the Dignity and Protection of the unborn. The joint campaign against abortion organized by Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church was attended by representatives of Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant churches of Donetsk and the region. more |
A Regional Conference of UCEC took place in Donetsk28 May 2012 Initially the Saturday and Sunday general attendance services of the Donetsk Regional conference were planned to take place under the open sky at the church building construction site (as at the All-Ukrainian Conference of UCEC in September last year). But due to unfavorable weather conditions the Conference in Donetsk was at a real danger of being cancelled. more |
The leaders of the Lugansk region churches gathered at the conference16 May 2012 The Pastoral Leadership Conference with the leaders of Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church from the twenty towns and cities of Lugansk region was held in May 13 in Lugansk. The hall where the Lugansk "Word of Life" church is gathering accommodated over four hundred pastors, leaders and ministers. more |
Donetsk held "Don't Stop - 2012" Youth Conference (video, photo)5 May 2012 From April 27 to 29 the annual Conference of Christian youth "Don't Stop " took place in Donetsk. It has always been a special event for many young people from all over Ukraine, who gather to experience the atmosphere of God's Word and His Presence and to get a new direction in life. more |
"I was in prison, and you came to me..."24 April 2012 This year the words "Christ is risen!" became a reality in the lives of many of those who are temporarily confined to a prison or a detention institution. In order the prisoners could experience the Resurrection of Christ in their hearts; "The Gospel Mercy" Mission of in the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church held fifty festive events (concerts) in jails of the fifteen regions of Ukraine. more |
Easter Celebration in the "Word of Life" Church of Donetsk (photo)15 April 2012 The celebration of Christ’s Resurrection by the Donetsk "Word of life" began on April 15 at 10:00 am with a Church Service, held at “Yunost” City Hall. The program was filled with songs and music, Bible reading about the sufferings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. more |
Easter Greetings from the Senior Bishop of Ukrainian Christian Evangelic Church Leonid Padun12 April 2012 "On the Holy Easter Day our hearts are filled with the special joy of the Good news, that very News that gives all mankind hope for salvation and eternal life in the kingdom of God. It unites all Christians in God's love, mercy and forgiveness, reconciliation and harmony..." more |
"Called to change the world"10 April 2012 “Called to change the world” was this years’ motto of the Annual Regional Conference for children and teenagers which took place at the "Word of Life" Bible Institute (UCEC) in Donetsk. This time the conference was attended by Christian kids from more than 26 cities and towns of Donetsk region. more |
Prayer and fasting Conference in Donetsk19 March 2012 March the 16th was the last day of the three days of fasting and prayer Conference of the Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church which took place in Donetsk. From early morning until late afternoon the main hall of the “Word of Life” Bible Institute for 1000 seats was filled to capacity. more |
First International Congress of Word of Life in Ephesus8 March 2012 From the 1st till the 4th of March the first International Congress of “Word of Life” Churches took place in Ephesus (Turkey). More than 500 pastors and leaders from 34 countries gathered for fellowship, dialogue, discussions and prayer. more |
Leonid Padun: "Created for the good deeds"26 February 2012 Sometimes our life is like heavy traffic on a highway. But maybe we should pay attention to the “speedometer” and reduce the speed, stop and try to understand where we all are and what are we so busy with? more |
Carl-Gustaf Severin: "Ukraine is in my heart"22 February 2012 From February 10 to 16 a wonderful preacher, an evangelist from Sweden Carl-Gustaf Severin visited our churches in Ukraine. Through his ministry thousands of people in the former Soviet Union have been able to hear the Gospel and receive a miracle from God. more |
Artur Simonyan: "The happiness for a Christian to find your calling and is to serve God and people"14 February 2012 On February 12th two special worship services were held by the "Word of Life» Christian Church in Kiev. The Church was visited by Artur Simonyan who is a world-famous preacher and a successful Pastor from Armenia. This is Pastor Artur's first visit to the church. more |
Leonid Padun: "2012 - the year of humility"10 February 2012 God has good intentions for Ukraine and He gave us the word that Ukraine will be a spiritual and a breadbasket of the world. If only we, the people of God, humble ourselves and look for His face, our country will change and a good word about Ukraine will be fulfilled! more |
Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Churches celebrated Christmas8 January 2012 Festive services, dedicated to Christmas - one of the greatest feast days that are celebrated by the Christians all over the world, were arranged on the 8th of January in all churches of UCEC. more |
Greetings from Ulf Ekman and Carl-Gustaf Severin1 January 2012 New Year 2012 and Christmas greetings from Swedish ministers to all the "Word of Life" believers in Ukraine more |
The "Word of life" Church in Kiev held the annual conference to celebrate its 12th anniversary19 December 2011 On December 11, 2011 the "Word of life" Church in Kiev held the annual conference to celebrate its 12th anniversary. Guests from many cities of the Kiev region, as well as from Odessa and Donetsk came to take part in the joyful assembly of believers. more |
The Prayer and Fast Conference of Ukrainian Christian Evangelic Church27 November 2011 The three days event in Donetsk was attended by over 1000 pastors, leaders and church members from the churches of UCEC in Donetsk region and from other parts of Ukraine. Believers gathered together at the premises of the "Word Life" Bible Institute in Donetsk to seek God in unity, to pray for the prosperity of our country, for the different spheres of society, and for the Church. more |